6.3.1 In addition
to a Loading Manual, an approved loading instrument is to be provided
for all ships where LR is greater than 65 m except as noted below.
The following ships are exempt from this requirement:
ships with very
limited possibilities for variations in the distribution of cargo
and ballast;
ships with a regular
or fixed operational pattern.
6.3.2 The
loading instrument is to be capable of calculating shear forces and
bending moments, and where necessary cargo torque, in any load or
ballast condition at specified readout points and is to indicate the
permissible values. The instrument is to be certified in accordance
with LR procedures for the approval of longitudinal strength and stability
calculation programs.
6.3.3 The
instrument readout points are usually selected at the position of
the transverse bulkheads or other obvious boundaries. As many readout
points as considered necessary by LR are to be included, e.g. between
6.3.4 Where
the ship has the capability to significantly alter the draught forward
by filling water ballast tanks, then a notice is to be displayed on
the loading instrument stating: ‘Scantlings approved for minimum
draught forward of... m with ballast tanks No ... filled. In heavy
weather conditions the forward draught is not be to less than this
value. If, in the opinion of the Commanding Officer or Master, sea
conditions are likely to cause regular slamming, then other appropriate
measures such as change in speed, heading or an increase in draught
forward may also need to be taken.’
6.3.5 Where
alterations to structure are carried out which result in a change
in the lightweight or deadweight distribution, the loading instrument
is to be modified accordingly and details submitted for approval.
6.3.6 The
operation of the loading instrument is to be verified by the Surveyor
upon installation and at Annual and Periodical Surveys as required
in Vol 1, Pt 5, Ch 3 Local Design Loads. An Operation Manual
for the instrument is to be verified as being available on board.
6.3.7 Where
an onboard computer system having a longitudinal strength or a stability
computation capability is provided as an Owner’s option, it
is recommended that the system be certified in accordance with LR’s
document entitled Approval of Longitudinal Strength and Stability
Calculation Programs.