Section 11 Lifting eyes
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Naval Ships, January 2023 - Volume 1 Ship Structures - Part 3 Design Principles and Constructional Arrangements - Chapter 4 Closing Arrangements and Outfit - Section 11 Lifting eyes

Section 11 Lifting eyes

11.1 Application

11.1.1 The following Section covers the design appraisal, testing during construction and through-life inspection of lifting eyes, with a permissible loading of 2,5 tonnes or less, installed for the purposes of shipping and unshipping equipment and machinery, and where they do not form part of a lifting appliance. Where the requirements of this Section are complied with the optional notation LE may be assigned.

11.1.2 The Owner is to ensure that the eyes are located in appropriate locations to enable the shipping and unshipping of equipment and machinery.

11.2 Information to be submitted

11.2.1 The following documentation is to be submitted for approval:

11.2.2 The following information is also to be submitted:

  • A register of all equipment and machinery which is required to be shipped or unshipped during service.
  • Plans detailing the shipping and unshipping routes by compartment.
  • A register of all lifting points specifying the detail type, tally information and test loads.

11.3 Materials

11.3.1 Materials are to be in accordance with an agreed specified standard.

11.4 Lifting points

11.4.1 Lifting eyes are to be manufactured in accordance with an agreed specified standard.

11.4.2 A range of standard lifting point detail designs are to be selected. The range of detail types is to be appropriate for the weight of equipment and machinery which is required to be shipped or unshipped and the method of transfer which is to be used. When considering the weight of equipment and machinery the weight of the lifting gear is to be included.

11.4.3 Each standard lifting point detail is to have the following information defined:

  • Permissible loading – Vertical lift.
  • Permissible loading – Along eye-plate 45 degrees lift (where applicable).
  • Permissible loading – Across eye-plate 45 degrees lift (where applicable).
  • Material of construction.
  • Method of attachment to the ship’s structure.
  • Method of use.
  • Manufacturer’s test loads.

11.4.4 The safe working load (SWL) for each of the standard detail designs is to be validated by calculation. The design load to be applied is as follows:

  • 2 × SWL for the vertical lift case.
  • 1,5 × SWL for the 45 degree lift case.

The permissible stresses in Table 4.11.1 Permissible stresses are not to be exceeded.

Table 4.11.1 Permissible stresses

  Permissible stress
Bending and direct stress 0,8σo
Shear stress 0,5σo
Combined stress 0,9σo
σo = specified yield stress of the material, in N/mm2

11.4.5 The weld stresses are also to be validated by calculation and confirmed as acceptable. For this purpose a factor of 0,7 is to be used.

11.5 Supporting structure

11.5.1 Lifting points are to be located at the intersection of structural members wherever possible.

11.5.2 The strength of the supporting structure is to be validated by calculation.

11.5.3 Where double tallying is used, see Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 4, 11.6 Tallying 11.6.2, the unused direction is to be checked at an angle of 45 degrees for a load 0,25 times the SWL.

11.6 Tallying

11.6.1 Each lifting point is to have a tally displayed which clearly defines the permissible methods of use, the permissible loading associated with each method, and the test status.

11.6.2 In general, a lifting point will have a single tally all round capability or single tally vertical lift only. A double tally is only to be used where the supporting structure would be required to be strengthened to provide all round capability but where the planned method of use does not require allround capability.

11.6.3 Lifting eyes may have their tallies grouped for identical lifting eyes (i.e. common signboard in each space or compartment). Where group marking is used and the space or compartment also contains non-identical lifting eyes, a colour-distinguishing system shall be used.

11.7 Survey and testing

11.7.1 Each lifting eye is to be supplied with a Manufacturer’s Certificate stating compliance with the specified standard.

11.7.2 In all cases, the attachment to the ship’s structure of each lifting eye is to be visually inspected by a Surveyor.

11.7.3 Once installed on board the vessel, lifting eyes are to be subject to a load test and representative NDE to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. Load testing is to be 2 x SWL in the vertical direction and 1,5 × SWL for the 45 degree lift arrangement (where applicable). Documentation detailing the test loads and testing arrangement used is to be submitted to LR.

11.7.4 Alternatively, once installed on board the vessel, lifting eyes are to be subject to representative load testing in accordance with Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 4, 11.7 Survey and testing 11.7.3 and 100 per cent NDE.

11.7.5 Lifting eyes that are not tested once installed on board as per Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 4, 11.7 Survey and testing 11.7.4 are to be clearly distinguished and subject to a load test in accordance with Vol 1, Pt 3, Ch 4, 11.7 Survey and testing 11.7.3 prior to use in service.

11.7.6 NDE is to be carried out by suitably qualified Operators to the satisfaction of the Surveyor and in accordance with Ch 1, 5 Non-destructive examination of the Rules for the Manufacture, Testing and Certification of Materials, July 2022.

11.8 Inspection during service

11.8.1 A maintenance, inspection and testing manual is to be provided, detailing the following:

  • Legislative requirements of the use of lifting eyes on board;
  • Details of the reference standard and manufacturer’s certificate;
  • Description of the location, SWL, and loading direction for each lifting eye or group of lifting eyes;
  • Test procedure for each loading arrangement;
  • Inspection requirements;
  • Test status and inspection record.

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