19 Verification and certification
for ships
19.1 Verifications
19.1.1 Each ship to which this Part of the Code
applies shall be subject to the verifications specified below:
.1 an initial verification before the ship is
put in service or before the certificate required under section 19.2 is issued for the first time,
which shall include a complete verification of its security system
and any associated security equipment covered by the relevant provisions
of chapter XI-2, this Part of the
Code and the approved ship security plan. This verification shall
ensure that the security system and any associated security equipment
of the ship fully complies with the applicable requirements of chapter XI-2 and this Part of the Code,
is in satisfactory condition and fit for the service for which the
ship is intended;
.2 a renewal verification at intervals specified
by the Administration, but not exceeding five years, except where
section 19.3 is applicable. This
verification shall ensure that the security system and any associated
security equipment of the ship fully complies with the applicable
requirements of chapter XI-2, this
Part of the Code and the approved ship security plan, is in satisfactory
condition and fit for the service for which the ship is intended;
.3 at least one intermediate verification. If
only one intermediate verification is carried out it shall take place
between the second and third anniversary date of the certificate as
defined in regulation I/2(n).The
intermediate verification shall include inspection of the security
system and any associated security equipment of the ship to ensure
that it remains satisfactory for the service for which the ship is
intended. Such intermediate verification shall be endorsed on the
.4 any additional verifications as determined
by the Administration.
19.1.2 The verifications of ships shall be carried
out by officers of the Administration. The Administration may, however,
entrust the verifications to a recognized security organization referred
to in regulation XI-2/1.
19.1.3 In every case, the Administration concerned
shall fully guarantee the completeness and efficiency of the verification
and shall undertake to ensure the necessary arrangements to satisfy
this obligation.
19.1.4 The security system and any associated
security equipment of the ship after verification shall be maintained
to conform with the provisions of regulations
XI-2/4.2 and XI-2/6, this
Part of the Code and the approved ship security plan. After any verification
under section 19.1.1 has been completed, no changes shall be made
in security system and in any associated security equipment or the
approved ship security plan without the sanction of the Administration.
19.2 Issue or endorsement
of Certificate
19.2.2 Such Certificate shall be issued or endorsed
either by the Administration or by a recognized security organization
acting on behalf of the Administration.
19.2.3 Another Contracting Government may, at
the request of the Administration, cause the ship to be verified and,
if satisfied that the provisions of section 19.1.1 are complied with, shall issue or authorize the issue
of an International Ship Security
Certificate to the ship and, where appropriate, endorse or
authorize the endorsement of that Certificate on the ship, in accordance
with this Code. A copy of the Certificate and a copy
of the verification report shall be transmitted as soon as possible
to the requesting Administration. A ccertificate so issued shall contain
a statement to the effect that it has been issued at the request of
the Administration and it shall have the same force and receive the
same recognition as the Certificate issued under section 19.2.2.
19.2.4 The International
Ship Security Certificate shall be drawn up in a form corresponding
to the model given in the appendix to this Code.If the language used
is not English, French or Spanish, the text shall include a translation
into one of these languages.
19.3 Duration and validity
of Certificate
19.3.2 When the renewal verification is completed
within three months before the expiry date of the existing Certificate,
the new Certificate shall be valid from the date of completion of
the renewal verification to a date not exceeding five years from the
date of expiry of the existing Certificate. When the renewal verification is completed
after the expiry date of the existing Certificate, the new Certificate
shall be valid from the date of completion of the renewal verification
to a date not exceeding five years from the date of expiry of the
existing Certificate. When the renewal verification is completed
more than three months before the expiry date of the existing Certificate,
the new Certificate shall be valid from the date of completion of
the renewal verification to a date not exceeding five years from the
date of completion of the renewal verification.
19.3.3 If a Certificate is issued for a period
of less than five years, the Administration may extend the validity
of the Certificate beyond the expiry date to the maximum period specified
in section 19.3.1, provided that the verifications referred to in
section 19.1.1 applicable when
a Certificate is issued for a period of five years are carried out
as appropriate.
19.3.4 If a renewal verification has been completed
and a new Certificate cannot be issued or placed on board the ship
before the expiry date of the existing Certificate, the Administration
or recognized security organization acting on behalf of the Administration
may endorse the existing Certificate and such a Certificate shall
be accepted as valid for a further period which shall not exceed five
months from the expiry date.
19.3.5 If a ship at the time when a Certificate
expires is not in a port in which it is to be verified, the Administration
may extend the period of validity of the Certificate but this extension
shall be granted only for the purpose of allowing the ship to complete
its voyage to the port in which it is to be verified, and then only
in cases where it appears proper and reasonable to do so. No Certificate
shall be extended for a period longer than three months, and the ship
to which an extension is granted shall not, on its arrival in the
port in which it is to be verified, be entitled by virtue of such
extension to leave that port without having a new Certificate. When
the renewal verification is completed, the new Certificate shall be
valid to a date not exceeding five years from the expiry date of the
existing Certificate before the extension was granted.
19.3.6 A Certificate issued to a ship engaged
on short voyages which has not been extended under the foregoing provisions
of this section may be extended by the Administration for a period
of grace of up to one month from the date of expiry stated on it.
When the renewal verification is completed, the new Certificate shall
be valid to a date not exceeding five years from the date of expiry
of the existing Certificate before the extension was granted.
19.3.7 If an intermediate verification is completed
before the period specified in section 19.1.1, then:
.1 the expiry date shown on the Certificate shall
be amended by endorsement to a date which shall not be more than three
years later than the date on which the intermediate verification was
.2 the expiry date may remain unchanged provided
one or more additional verifications are carried out so that the maximum
intervals between the verifications prescribed by section 19.1.1 are not exceeded.
19.3.8 A Certificate issued under section 19.2 shall cease to be valid in any
of the following cases:
.1 if the relevant verifications are not completed
within the periods specified under section 19.1.1;
.2 if the Certificate is not endorsed in accordance
with section and,
if applicable;
.3 when a Company assumes the responsibility for
the operation of a ship not previously operated by that Company; and
.4 upon transfer of the ship to the flag of another
19.3.9 In the case of:
.1 a transfer of a ship to the flag of another
Contracting Government, the Contracting Government whose flag the
ship was formerly entitled to fly shall, as soon as possible, transmit
to the receiving Administration copies of, or all information relating
to, the International Ship Security
Certificate carried by the ship before the transfer and copies
of available verification reports, or
.2 a Company that assumes responsibility for the
operation of a ship not previously operated by that Company, the previous
Company shall as soon as possible, transmit to the receiving Company
copies of any information related to the International Ship Security Certificate or
to facilitate the verifications described in section 19.4.2.
19.4 Interim certification
19.4.1 The Certificates specified in section 19.2 shall be issued only when the
Administration issuing the Certificate is fully satisfied that the
ship complies with the requirements of section 19.1. However, after 1 July 2004, for
the purposes of:
.1 a ship without a Certificate, on delivery or
prior to its entry or re-entry into service;
.2 transfer of a ship from the flag of a Contracting
Government to the flag of another Contracting Government;
.3 transfer of a ship to the flag of a Contracting
Government from a State which is not a Contracting Government; or
.4 when a Company assumes the responsibility for
the operation of a ship not previously operated by that Company;
until the Certificate referred to in section 19.2 is issued, the Administration may cause an Interim International Ship Security Certificate to be issued, in a form corresponding to the model given in
the Appendix to this Part of the Code.
19.4.2 An Interim
International Ship Security Certificate shall only be issued
when the Administration or recognized security organization, on behalf
of the Administration, has verified that:
.1 the ship security assessment required by this
Part of the Code has been completed;
.2 a copy of the ship security plan meeting the
requirements of chapter XI-2 and
part A of this Code is provided on board, has been submitted for review
and approval, and is being implemented on the ship;
.3 the ship is provided with a ship security
alert system meeting the requirements of regulation
XI-2/6, if required;
.4 the company security officer:
.1 has ensured:
.1 the review of the ship security plan for compliance
with this Part of the Code;
.2 that the plan has been submitted for approval;
.3 that the plan is being implemented on the ship;
.2 has established the necessary arrangements,
including arrangements for drills, exercises and internal audits,
through which the company security officer is satisfied that the ship
will successfully complete the required verification in accordance
with section, within
6 months;
.5 arrangements have been made for carrying out
the required verifications under section;
.6 the master, the ship security officer and other
ship's personnel with specific security duties are familiar with their
duties and responsibilities as specified in this Part of the Code;
and with the relevant provisions of the ship security plan placed
on board; and have been provided such information in the working language
of the ship's personnel or languages understood by them; and
.7 the ship security officer meets the requirements
of this Part of the Code.
19.4.5 No Contracting Government shall cause a
subsequent, consecutive Interim
International Ship Security Certificate to be issued to a ship
if, in the judgment of the Administration or the recognized security
organization, one of the purposes of the ship or a Company in requesting
such certificate is to avoid full compliance with chapter XI-2 and this Part of the Code
beyond the period of the initial interim certificate as specified
in section 19.4.4.